Ethereum: Calculate Bitcoin Deal Txid
Originally published Stackoverflow but missed. I think I could have better luck here.
I successfully set up a Bitcoin transaction C
according to the specifications of the Protocol. Here are the main steps:
system use; use;
Bitcoin use;
Static empty main (string [] args)
// Bitcoin Loading from the File
can txid = file.radalltext ("txid.txt");
// Get the Txid array as a byte array
Can txidbytes = new byte [txid.lengh];
File.Readbytes ("Txid.txt",, Txidbytes, 0, Txid.lendt);
// Convert the byte array to the string and remove the gap
can txidstring = "";
Foreach (can b txidbytes)
If (b! = '\ N')
Txidstring += b.tostring ();
// Remove the new line symbol at the end of the string
txidstring = txidstring.trimnd ('\ r', '\ n');
// Get the Blockchain Index from File Road
Can blockchainindex = int.parsse (file.readalltext ("blockchain_index.txt");
// Create a new deal with calculated TXID
can tx = new bitcointranstion (
Author: "0.1" + txidstring,
To: "0.2" + txidstring,
Amount: 10,
ScripTpubKey: New Bip39Publicey (Txidbytes),
Compressedscriptpubkey: New Bip39 -CompressedscriptpubKey (Txidbytes, Blockchainindex)
// Print the calculated transaction ID
Console.Writeline ("Calculated TXID:" + TXID);
This script suggests that you have a “Txid.txt” file containing your Bitcoin transaction data “[Txid] [Quantity] [to] [to] [ScripTpubKey] It is assumed that the blockchain index is stored in a separate file called blockchain_index.txt
The script first charges the transaction data from the files and converts the byte mass into a string. The string is then removed from all spaces that lead to a series that contains only the transaction identifier.
It then pulls out the blockchain index from the file path using a whole number stored in a separate file called blockchain_index.txt
Finally, it creates a new Bitcoin transaction with a calculated transaction identification number, transferring txidstring to “from” parameters “to” to “,” sum “and” compryptpubKey “” “parameters. The transaction is then pressed on the console.
Note: This script uses the Bitcoin Library, which is a popular Bitcoin protocol. Be sure to install this library before starting the script.
An example of using the case:
Let’s say your file txid.txt
contain the following data:
10 0.1 0.2
The scenario performance will be displayed:
Calculated TXID: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz